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The ROI on Brand Identity

Brand Identity

May 4, 2024

What is the ROI of a Brand Identity?

It's just colors and shape, it can't be worth much of an investment, right?

This is a question I get a lot, and one company comes to mind as the perfect case study for the ROI on brand identity.

Liquid Death was launched in 2019 by Mike Cessario, a marketing professional with a background in the underground music scene, with expectations that it would have only a niche following.

“I didn’t think it would be this big,” Mike told CNBC Make It. “I think one of the most surprising things to everybody with this was how wide the audience really was.”

Liquid Death started as nothing more than canned water. Another product in a sector that was bloated with competition. One major differentiator was Liquid Death's brand identity, heavy with punk rock themes and a tagline of "Murder Your Thirst". This was something Cessario knew from the start, taking extra care into the brand identity and marketing to stand out from the sea of sameness that had become the bottled/canned water industry.

The company is now valued at $1.4 billion after their newest financing round and is collaborating with brands like ELF, Reuzel and even Martha Stewart.

So you tell me, is there an ROI on brand identity? I think so.

When done right your brand identity can help you conncet to your audience and stand out from the sea of sameness.

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